March 30, 2012

Bosowa secures electricity supply for nickel smelter

The Jakarta Post | March 24, 2012

PT Bosowa Metal Industri, a subsidiary of diversified business group Bosowa Corporation, has secured supplies from state-owned electricity company PT PLN for its nickel smelter to be built in Jeneponto, South Sulawesi.

Bosowa Metal Industri and PLN signed on Thursday a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for an electricity supply of 70 megawatts. The MOU will be followed by technical talks concerning quality, contract term and price, PLN planning and risk, said management director Murtaqi Syamsuddin.

Pertagas eyes overseas gas blocks to meet local needs

The Jakarta Post | March 24, 2012

Anticipating growing natural gas demand from domestic users, PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), a subsidiary of state oil and gas firm PT Pertamina, has revealed that it plans to acquire gas blocks overseas.

Company president director Gunung Sardjono Hadi said the plan had been proposed to Pertamina’s upstream division and was now under discussion. After acquiring the blocks, Pertagas aimed to build liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants.

Bumi Plc. restructures top positions to end infighting

The Jakarta Post | March 28, 2010

Indonesian coal entrepreneur Samin Tan has been appointed as chairman of coal miner Bumi Plc., and co-founder Nathaniel Rothschild was ousted from a co-chairman position after a public spat between Rothschild and fellow owners, the Bakrie Group.

Rothschild had clashed with the Bakrie Group and called for a “radical cleaning up” in its “over-leveraged” Bumi Resources, of which Rothschild owns approximately 12 percent through Bumi Plc.

Bakrie then sold a 23.8 percent stake in Bumi Plc. to Samin Tan’s PT Borneo Lumbung Energi. This team-up, accounting for 29.9 percent of Bumi Plc., caused Rothschild to lose his position as co-chairman.

March 29, 2012

Sempra’s LNG diversion to be finalized in May

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | March 30, 2012

The negotiation on the supply diversion of liquefied natural gas (LNG), produced by the Tangguh LNG plant in West Papua from the US-based company Sempra Energy to the domestic market, would be concluded in early May at the latest, said upstream oil and gas regulator BPMigas.

BPMigas head Raden Priyono said the progress of the negotiation had reached 98 percent. Clauses on the new amount of cargo to be delivered to Sempra had been agreed. He declined to reveal the precise figure.

Govt threatens to stop cost recovery to Chevron

The Jakarta Post | March 30, 2012

Upstream oil and gas regulator BPMigas said on Thursday that the government would halt cost recovery payments to PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) should the company be proven to have committed illicit practices in its bioremediation project at its oil fields in Riau.

“If we find any misconduct by CPI in the project, we’ll immediately stop the cost recovery payments for the project. We have to secure the state money until CPI can prove that it’s not guilty,” BPMigas head Raden Priyono said at his office in Jakarta on Thursday.

Medco, partners to acquire two ExxonMobil’s gas blocks

The Jakarta Post | March 30, 2012

 PT Medco Energi Internasional says it will join forces with two other firms to buy two oil and gas blocks operated by US-based ExxonMobil.

Medco, state gas distributor PT PGN and state fertilizer maker PT Pupuk Sriwijaya (Pusri) have submitted a formal bid for ExxonMobil’s Block B and the North Sumatra Offshore (NSO) block, Medco president director Lukman Mahfoedz said in a message on Thursday.

Coal miners benefit from prices surge

The Jakarta Post | March 29, 2012

Indonesian coal-mining giants PT Adaro Energy (ADRO) and PT Berau Coal Energy (BRAU) saw their net profits more than doubled last year on the back of higher selling prices.

The nation’s largest coal miner, PT Bumi Resources (BUMI), however, recorded a net loss last year despite growing revenues from sales — benefiting from the surge in selling prices — due to soaring costs.

Miners request government review ore export ban

The Jakarta Post | March 29, 2012
Indonesian miners have urged the government to review the banning of metal ore exports as of May as many companies claim that they could face bankruptcy due to not being able to meet their commitments to overseas buyers.

The executive director of the Indonesian Mining Association, Syahrir Abubakar, said the issuance of the 2012 ministerial regulation on raw material exports would ultimately be good for the country. However, he doubted the regulation could be implemented effectively in May.

March 27, 2012

Perusahaan Tambang Wajib Pakai Bahan Bakar Nabati per Juli 2012

Sumber: | Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Jakarta - Pemerintah mewajibkan sektor industri pertambangan mineral dan batubara menggunakan Bahan Bakar Nabati (BBN) paling lambat 1 Juli 2012. Kewajiban pemanfaatan biodiesel untuk industri sebesar 2 persen dari konsumsi BBM di setiap industrinya. Terdapat dua puluh lima industri pertambangan mineral dan batubara yang terkena kewajiban pemanfaatan BBN tersbut. Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut diantarnya Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), Adaro Indonesia, Indominco Mandiri, Arutmin Indonesia, Berau Coal, Kideco Jaya Agung, Wahana Baratama Mining, Mahakam Sumber Jaya, Trubaindo Coal Mining, Gunung Bayan Pratamacoal, Tanito Harum, Mandiri Intiperkasa, Asmin Koalindo Tuhup, Perkasa Inakakerta, Baramarta, Riau Bara Harum, Teguh Sinar Abadi, Multi Harapan Utama, Insani Bara Perkasa, Santan Batubara, Sumber Kurnia Buana, Lanna Harita Indonesia, Tanjung Alam Jaya, Singlurus Pratama.

March 21, 2012

Tanpa kendali, 30 tahun lagi kita impor batubara

Cadangan batubara  kita nomor enam terbesar, tapi ekspor batubara nomor dua di dunia

KONTAN | Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

JAKARTA. Rencana pemerintah untuk membatasi ekspor batubara tentu bukan tanpa alasan. Indonesia saat ini memang telah menjadi negara pengekspor batubara terbesar kedua setelah Australia. Namum tanpa pengendalian produksi kelak Indonesia akan menjadi negara pengimpor batubara. Pasalnya Indonesia bukanlah negara dengan cadangan batubara terbesar di dunia.


Withour control, next 30 years Indonesia becomes coal importer country

Government plans to restrict the export of coal is certainly not without reason. Indonesia is 2nd rank as coal exporter after Australia. This situation will bring Indonesia as coal importer country without full control of coal production. The reasons, Indonesia is not a country with the biggest coal stockpile in the world.

3 Proyek Berskema PPP ditawarkan

Bisnis Indoneisa | Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

PT Perusahaan Lis trik Negara (Persero) mengusulkan pembangunan tiga PLTA dengan skema kerja sama pemerintah swasta di luar Pulau Jawa dengan total investasi US$2,91 miliar.

Proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) itu adalah PLTA Karama berkapasitas 450 MW di Sulawesi Barat yang bisa memproduksikan listrik hingga 2.412 GWh per tahun.

PT Sulbar Group dan China Gezhoumba Group siap membangun PLTA tersebut dengan nilai investasi sebesar US$1,2 miliar.

Berikutnya, PLTA Kerinci berkapasitas 350 MW di Jambi yang bisa memproduksikan listrik hingga 1.464 GWh per tahun. PT Kerinci Hydro Energy telah berkomitmen membangun pembangkit itu dengan nilai investasi sebesar US$0,51 miliar.

Terakhir, proyek PLTA Batang Toru berkapasitas 500 MW di Sumatra Utara yang bisa memproduksikan listrik hingga 2.260 GWh per tahun. KSO Dharma Hydro berkomitmen membangun dengan nilai investasi sebesar US$1,2 miliar.

3 Projects base on PPP scheme offered

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) proposes the development of three power plant located outside java island using PPP scheme with total investment US$2,91 billion. 

The Power Plant Projects are PLTA Karama with 450 MW capacity which located in West Sulawesi that anable to produce power up to 2,412 GWh per year.

PT Sulbar Group and China Gezhoumba Group ready to develop the PLTA with the value investment reach US$1,2 billion.

Next, PLTA Kerinci with 350 MW capacity located in Jambi that can produce power up to 1,464 GWh per year. PT Kerinci Hydro committed to develop the power plant with an investment of U.S. $ 0.51 billion.

Last, PLTA Batang Toru project with 500 MW capacity in North Sumatra which can produce power up to 2,260 Gwh per year. KSO Dharma Hydro committed to develop the project with an investment of US$1,2 billion.

March 20, 2012

3 PLTU Mulut Tambang siap ditender

Pembangkit mulut tambang dorong konsumsi batu bara

Bisnis Indonesia | Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

JAKARTA: PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) akan menggelar tender tiga PLTU Mulut Tambang dengan skema kerja sama pemerintah swasta.
Di sisi lain, BUMN kelistrikan itu akan melakukan tender ulang PLTU Mulut Tambang Riau 2x300 MW pada tahun ini.
Kepala Divisi Batu Bara PLN Helmi Najamuddin mengatakan ketiga PLTU mulut tambang yang akan ditender tahun ini ber kapasitas total 2.600 MW. Ketiga pembangkit itu adalah PLTU Jambi, PLTU Sumsel 9, dan PLTU Sumsel.

3 Mulut Tambang Power Plants ready to be tendered
JAKARTA: PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (persero) or PLN plans to hold a tender of three power plants of Mulut Tambang using Public Private Partnership scheme.
Other side, PT PLN will re-tender powemer plants of Mulut Tambang Riau 2x300 MW this year.
Head of Coal Division of PLN Helmi Najamuddin said, Three Mulut Tambang power plant that will be put on tender totally has 2.600MW capacity. The power plants are PLTU Jambi, PLTU Sumsel 9, and PLTU Sumsel. 

March 19, 2012

Total terus kembangkan South Mahakam

Bisnis Indonesia | Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

BALIKPAPAN: Total E&P Indonesia membenamkan investasi US$392 juta atau setara dengan Rp3,567 triliun untuk proyek South Mahakam guna menjaga kapasitas produksi gas di Blok Mahakam yang tahun lalu mencapai 492.000 Barrels of Oil Equivalent per Day (BOPD)

PLN siap terima gas dari Arun

Jero Wacik tak mengetahui pembatalan FSRU Belawan

Bisnis Indonesia | Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

JAKARTA: PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) dipastikan mendapat pasokan gas sebesar 1 juta ton pertahun dari konversi kilang LNG Arun menjadi terminal penerima dan regasifikasi.

Freeport investasi US$6 miliar

Opsi pelepasan saham masih dikaji

Bisnis Indonesia | Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

JAKARTA: PT Freeport Indonesia siap membelanjakan dana investasi sedikitnya US$6 miliar dan sedang mengkaji opsi melepas 9,36% saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia.

Belanja modal sebanyak US$6 miliar itu nantinya dipakai untuk membiayai sejumlah rencana investasi mulai tahun ini hingga 2021, atau bertepatan dengan berakhirnya masa kontrak karya (KK) kedua. Investasi ini termasuk pembangunan pembangkit dan semen.

Medco and Kogas team up to develop CBM

The Jakarta Post | Saturday March 17, 2012

Publicly listed company PT Medco Energi Internasional (MedcoEnergi) signed a memorandum of understanding with Korea Gas Corporation (Kogas) on the development of coal bed methane (CBM) at Medco’s three CBM blocks in South Sumatra.

The signing of the agreement marked the beginning of the two companies’ cooperation in identifying and studying all possibilities to increase the value of CBM, including the opportunity to develop liquefied natural gas (LNG) from CBM.

7 Tersangka kasus Chevron

PT Green Planet Indonesia & PT Sumigita Jaya dinilai tidak memenuhi klasifikasi

Bisnis Indonesia | Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

JAKARTA: Kejaksaan Agung menetapkan tujuh tersangka korupsi proyek bioremediasi PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia yang merugikan negara lebih dari Rp200 miliar.

Jaksa Agung Muda Tindak Pidana Khusus (Jam Pidsus) Andhi Nirwanto menyatakan tujuh tersangka tersebut lima berasal dari PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI), dan sisanya dari pihak swasta yang terkait dalam proyek tersebut yaitu PT Green Planet Indonesia dan PT Sumigita Jaya (tb)
7 Suspected cases of Chevron
PT Green Planet Indonesia & PT Jaya Sumigita assessed do not meet the classification
JAKARTA: Attorney General's Office set up seven suspects corruption bioremediation project PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, which cost the state more than 200 billion.
Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jam Pidsus) Andhi Nirwanto said seven suspects were five came from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI), and the rest are the private parties which  involved in the project, PT Green Planet Indonesia and PT Jaya Sumigita

Penyaluran gas Medco Tertunda

KONTAN | Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Terkendala pembebasan lahan, penyaluran Gas Blok Simenggaris milik Medco Energi Internasional tertunda

JAKARTA. Harapan PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk untuk segera menyalurkan tambahan produksi gas dari Blok Simenggaris di Kalimantan Selatan bakal tertunda.

Direktur utama Medco Energi Internasional, Lukman Mahfoedz, mengatakan, seharusnya eksplorasi di Blok Simenggaris sudah selesai dan bisa disalurkan pada April 2012 nanti. Namun, Lukman bilang, saat ini, perusahaan yang memiliki kode saham MEDC ini masih mengalami kendala jaringan distribusi.

Kejagung tetapkan tujuh tersangka proyek Chevron

KONTAN | Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

JAKARTA: Diam-diam Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung ternyata sedang menyidik kasus proyek bioremediasi yang dikerjakan oleh PT Chevron Pasific Indonesia. Kejagung mengendus adanya dugaan tindak pidana korupsi dalam proyek untuk menormalkan kembali tanah yang terkena limbah dari penambangan minyak tersebut (ts)

Freeport siap kembangkan tambang bawah tanah

Bisnis Indonesia | Senin, 19 Maret 2012

JAKARTA: PT Freeport Indonesia siap melakukan pengembangan skala besar tambang bawah tanah, dekat tambang terbuka Grasberg dalam 5 tahun ke depan dengan rata-rata belanja modal mencapai US$700 juta per tahun.

"Freeport ready to develop underground mine
 PT Freeport Indonesia is ready to develop large-scale underground mine, near the Grasberg open pit mine in the next 5 years with an average capital expenditure of U.S. $ 700 million per year

Niko siap eksplorasi West Papua IV

Bisnis Indonesia | Senin, 19 Maret 2012

JAKARTA: Kontraktor kontrak kerja sama Niko Resources akan melakukan pengeboran eksplorasi di Blok West Papua IV dan Blok Kofiau pada semester II tahun ini.
Niko Resources merupakan operator kedua blok tersebut. Perusahaan minyak dan gas ini berencana melakukan pengeboran eksplorasi di wilayah kerja Kofiau, Raja Ampat, pada Agustus 2012 dan wilayah kerja West Papua IV, Kaimana, pada Oktober 2012.

7 Investor siap masuk ke smelter

Bisnis Indonesia | Senin, 19 Maret 2012

JAKARTA: Sebanyak tujuh investor asing, termasuk China dan Korsel tertarik membangun pabrik pengolahan atau smelter di Indonesia, menyusul keluarnya kewajiban untuk melakukan peningkatan nilai tambah (tb)

"7 Investor interested to built smelter"
Jakarta: A total of seven foreign investors, including China and South Korea are interested in building a processing plant or smelter in Indonesia, following the issuance of obligation to make improvements to add value of mines.

March 18, 2012

Kadin Daerah Menolak Pasal 21 Permen ESDM No.7/2012

7 Kamar dagang dan Industri (Kadin) secara tegas menolak Pasal 21 dari Peraturan Menteri Energi (Permen) dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No. 7/2012 tentang Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Mineral Melalui Kegiatan Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Mineral.

Ke-7 Kadin Daerah Tersebut yakni Kadin Kalimantan Barat, Kadin Kalimantan Timur, Kadin Kalimantan Tengah, Kadin Kepulauan Riau, Kadin Sulawesi Utara dan Kadin Aceh. Selengkapnya klik disini

"Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Reject Article 21 of Minister Regulation No.7/2012"
Seven Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) explicitly reject the Article 21 of Regulation of the Minister of Energy (Candy) and Mineral Resources (ESDM) No. 7/2012 on Enhancing the Value Added Mineral Processing and Purification Through Mineral Activities. The seven regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) are Kadin Kalimantan Barat, Kadin Kalimantan Timur, Kadin Kalimantan Tengah, Kadin Kepulauan Riau, Kadin Sulawesi Utara dan Kadin Aceh.